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Name of EP |
7М01519 Biology (English) |
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Direction of training |
7М015 Teacher training in science subjects
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Goal |
Training of specialists with advanced theoretical and practical knowledge of modern life sciences and techniques of teaching biology in English in a multilingual environment. Graduate is awarded the academic degree of Master of Education in the educational programme 7М01519 Biology (English) Masters of Education may hold positions in accordance with the Standard Qualifications of Pedagogical Workers and Equivalent Persons (as amended and supplemented on 31 October 2018).
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Competencies |
3.1 Key Competencies As a result of the study program 7M01519 Biology (English) the following key competencies are formed: KC3. Competencies in the field of socio-educational activities. 3.1 S/he knows the main achievements, problems and trends in the development of higher education in Kazakhstan and abroad; the legal and regulatory foundations of the educational system. 3.2 S/he uses knowledge of the fundamentals, current achievements, problems and trends of biology in the teaching process. 3.3 S/he employs in professional activities the main international and domestic instruments on the rights of the child and rights with special needs, the values and beliefs of inclusive education. 3.4 S/he masters the basics of scientific methodical and educational work in higher education. 3.5 S/he develops and implements tailor-made programs aimed at eliminating learning difficulties and adapting to the educational environment, and is familiar with psychological diagnosis and situation design. КC4. Ability to organize, plan and conduct biological research using a wide range of methods and information and communication technologies. 4.1. S/he uses various types of information and communication technologies: Internet resources, cloud and mobile services for information retrieval, storage, processing, security and dissemination. 4.2 S/he possesses computer skills, including global computer networks. 4.3 S/he possesses the fundamentals of the organization and planning of scientific research, analyses, systematizes and generalizes the results of scientific research. 4.4 S/he uses modern methodology to solve research problems. 4.5 S/he has the skills to work with software packages from the field of informatics, IT applications and global Internet resources for efficient work of a biologist-researcher. 4.6 S/he possesses basic bio-indicator and biotechnological techniques in environmental assessment. КC5. Competences in the field of theoretical biology. 5.1 S/he knows the conceptual and theoretical bases of biology, its place in the general system of sciences and values, the history of development and the present state. 5.2 S/he knows the structure, molecular organization, executive and regulatory mechanisms of the functions of pro- and eukaryotic cells; general methodological approaches used in genetics. 5.3 S/he knows the molecular and genetic mechanisms of progressive evolution. КC6. Competencies in the field of bioecology and bioresources. 6.1 S/he knows the principles of classification of living organisms, similarities and differences between taxa; analyses the phylogenetic relationships and ways of evolution of the plant world. 6.2 S/he possesses the skills to identify and describe biological diversity, to assess it with modern methods of quantitative information processing and to understand the importance of biodiversity for the sustainability of the biosphere, to assess the state of biodiversity. 6.3 S/he can conduct monitoring studies on ecosystem sustainability and biodiversity conservation. КC7. Competencies in the field of applied problems of biology. 7.1 S/he knows the main problems of the rational use of Kazakhstan’s biological resources. 7.2 S/he is aware of the structural and functional organization, sustainability and dynamism of biogeocenoses. 7.3 S/he knows current problems and promising directions of natural sciences. КC8. Competence in biology teaching methodology in higher education. 8.1S/he knows modern educational technologies of teaching, applies knowledge and models the educational process. 8.2 S/he knows how to develop the research skills of the learners and their language skills. 8.3 S/he applies knowledge of the theoretical and experimental foundations of biology and biology education technologies; 8.4 S/he possesses a system of methodical and pedagogical technology and information on the current state of the scientific foundations of the university biology course. 8.5 S/he knows the essence and mechanisms of the implementation of biology education in English and is able to organize the teaching of biology in English. КC9. The ability to plan and meet the challenges of personal and professional development, self-education and self-realization. 9.1 S/he uses in practice the scientific methods and techniques of research of pedagogy, psychology, biology, socio-political cluster and summarizes the results of the study. 9.2 S/he masters methods of theoretical analysis of results of observations and experiments, techniques of computer simulation; КC10.The ability to independently carry out research activities in the relevant professional field, to make logical arguments of their scientific findings, to summarize the results of research and analysis in the form of a dissertation, project, scientific article, report, analysis note, etc. 10.1 S/he is able to apply research planning and management techniques and data processing techniques. 10.2 S/he independently carry out research activities, make logical arguments for its scientific findings, summarize the results of research and analysis in the form of final work. КC11. Teaching readiness for mainstream higher education programs. 11.1 S/he understands the high social value of the profession, observes the principles of professional ethics and is able to participate in interdisciplinary and inter-agency cooperation of specialists in solving professional tasks. 11.2 S/he masters pedagogical modeling of the innovation process. КC12. S/he is able to apply modern methods and technologies for the organization of educational activities, diagnostics and evaluation of the quality of educational process according to various educational programs. 12.1 S/he examines the activities of all actors in the educational process, and is able to work in cooperation with colleagues to improve the teaching of biology in classrooms and laboratories. 12.2 S/he is aware of the social importance of the teaching profession and respects the principles of professional ethics. 12.3 S/he implements innovative ideas in education, is capable of adopting non-standard and alternative solutions. 12.4 S/he selects the best learning strategy.
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Language of training |
English |
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Academic degree awarded |
Master Master’s degree in education «Biology (English)» |
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Learning outcomes |
The results of the study program 7M01519 Biology (English) are: RT 1 Systematizes scientific theories and concepts of the newest trends in socio-humanitarian, economic and pedagogical disciplines for use in scientific and industrial activities. RT 2 Uses various means of the academic oral and written c communications in foreign and state languages to obtain information in the field of professional activity and interpersonal communication. RT 3. Introduces the scientific approach to the management of production and innovation activities, the solution of scientific and experimental and production and technological problems. RT 4. Applies modern methods for scientific research in natural and laboratory conditions using modern equipment and applied computer information programs. RT 5. Explains laws of the natural-science disciplines influencing evolution of the organic world and priority directions of development of modern biology. RT 6. Analyzes the main concepts of theoretical biology and ways of evolution of the plant and animal life to solve production and scientific problems. RT 7. Introduces a scientific approach for conservation of biological diversity of living organisms and determine allowable quantities of biological resources. RT 8. Generalizes the information on biological topics in English from foreign sources. RT 9. Applies advanced knowledge of theoretical and experimental bases of biology and modern educational technologies for teaching biology in pedagogical and scientific activities. RT 10. Analyzing existing concepts, theories and approaches to multi-lingual education to choose a learning model. RT 11. Conducts scientific research with subsequent generalization of theoretical and (or) experimental results in the form of a master's project, scientific article, analytical report, etc. to solve applied problems of biology, observing the principles of professional etiquette and academic integrity. RT 12. Realizes teaching of biological disciplines at school in English using different of educational technologies, including distance learning.
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Accreditation |
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Rating |