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Name of EP |
6В01516 “Biology (English)” |
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Direction of training |
6В015 Training of teachers in natural science subjects |
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Goal |
Preparation of specialists who are able to carry out the educational process in English language with the use of modern educational technologies and achievements of biological science. Bachelors of education can hold positions in accordance with the Standard qualification characteristics of positions of teaching staff and persons equated to them (with changes and additions as 22.07.2022y.). |
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Competencies |
3.1 Key competence As a result of training in the educational program “Biology (English)” following key competencies are formed: СC1. General education competence: 1.1 Knows and understands national policies and social priorities, historical and modern socio-political situation in the world and Kazakhstan. СC7. Competence in field of pedagogy and psychology. 7.1 Knows the theory of training, education and development, the specifics of updated secondary education, as well as elements of management in education. 7.2 Able to use of general and specific accounting tools (for different types of violations) regularities and individual features of anatomical, mental and psychophysiological development at various age stages; 7.3 Able to use the main international and local standards in their professional activities on child mention and mention with special needs, values and beliefs of inclusive education. 7.4 Applies criteria-based assessment methods in professional activities, results of research in field of biological and pedagogical education; 7.5 Ability to develop and implement individually oriented programs, aimed at eliminating learning difficulties and adapting to the educational environment.
СC8. Competence in field of theoretical biology. 8.1 Knows the conceptual and theoretical foundations of biology, its place in the general system of sciences and values, its history and current state. 8.2 Knows the laws of organic world development, molecular bases of heredity, variability and methods of genetic analysis; 8.3 Knows basic biological concepts, laws and phenomena, history of development and current state of biology; СC9. Competence in field of bioecology and bioresources. 9.1 Knows the peculiarities of morphology, ecology, reproduction and geographical distribution, understands its role in nature and human economic activity. 9.2Has skills in identifying and describing of biological diversity, its assessment by modern methods of quantitative information processing and understands the importance of biodiversity for biosphere sustainability; СC10. Competence in field of applied problems of biology. 10.1Knows the soil composition and its dependence on climatic conditions, types of anthropogenic impacts on the soil, prevention of negative impact on soil; СC11. Competence in field of biology teaching methods. 11.1Knows the methodology of teaching biology, modern educational technologies of teaching and applies knowledge of theoretical and experimental biology foundations and technologies for teaching biology. 11.2 Able to model the educational process and implement in practice of teaching and apply new methods, forms and means of training and education, including in online mode; СC12. Ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. 12.1 Uses in practice scientific methods and techniques of pedagogy research, psychology, biology, socio-political cluster and summarizes the results of study. 12.2Uses the methods of theoretical analysis of observations and experiments results, computer modeling techniques; СC13. Readiness for professional activity. 13.1Understands the high social significance of profession, complies the principles of professional ethics and able to participate in interdisciplinary and interdepartmental interaction of specialists in solving professional tasks. 13.2 Able to apply modern methods and technologies for organizing educational activities, diagnostics and evaluation of educational process quality in various educational programs.
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Language of training |
English |
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Academic degree awarded |
Bachelor of Еducation in educational program 6B01516 “Biology (English)” |
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Learning outcome |
RT1.Summarizes knowledge about the state formation of Kazakhstan, of the historical and modern political situation and socio-economic processes in the world and the Republic of Kazakhstan. RT2Works in a team in compliance with the principles of professional ethics and academic integrity. RT3.Demonstrates oral and academic writing skills in Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages for the decision of problems of interpersonal, intercultural and industrial (professional) communication. RT4.Analyzes the information in English the biological content to use it for professional development and in the process of teaching biology. RT5.Applies modern information digital technology and methods of scientific research for the objectives of self-education and organization of professional activities. RT6. Operates with basic biological concepts, terms for explaining the interaction of biological systems at different levels of organization. RT7.Explains mechanisms and processes influencing the evolution of the organic world and the main postulates of molecular biology. RT8.Conducts field and laboratory experiments and observations to study, identify, describe and evaluate the state of biological systems. RT9.Analyzes chemical basis of biological processes and physiological mechanisms of various systems and organs of living organisms. RT10.Generalizes knowledge on the theory of training, education, development, on the basics of inclusive learning and management in education. RT11.Applies knowledge of theoretical and experimental bases of pedagogy and technologies of teaching biology to design the educational process using innovative approaches in the content of updated education, including in the context of distance learning. RT12.Provides biology teaching in English at school in accordance with existing educational standards in the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign trends. |
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Accreditation |
June 2022 |
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Rating |
Atameken is ranked 7th |