"Training of teachers of biology, geography, chemistry "and" training of Teachers of biology, chemical sciences and the environment " - information on the employment of university graduates in Chemistry in 2023
In the 2022-2023 academic year, 81 graduates completed their studies according to Table 1 in the Department of Chemistry, including 24 graduates in the Department of biology, chemical sciences and the environment, 57 graduates in the Department of biology, geography, chemistry teacher training.
The total number of graduates of the educational program" 6b07101 "Chemical Technology" in biology, chemical sciences and the environment is 4. of them – 3 were awarded grants, 1 – on a paid basis.
The total number of graduates of the OP 6b05301" chemistry " is 20 (of which 18 studied on a grant, 2 – on a paid basis).
In the 2022-2023 academic year, he completed his studies on "training of Teachers of biology, geography, chemistry". Of these, the total number of graduates in the OP 6b01508" Chemistry-Biology " is 38 (26 – studied on a grant, 12 – on a paid basis).
The total number of graduates of the EP 6B01515 "chemistry in English" is 13 (grant).
The total number of graduates of the OP 6b01507" chemistry " is 6 (3 – grant, 3 – paid training).
Table 1-the type of training of graduates who graduated from the University in the EP" Chemistry".
Total number |
grant |
paid |
6B07101"Chemical Technology" |
4 |
3 |
1 |
6B05301"Chemistry" |
20 |
18 |
2 |
6B01508"Chemistry-Biology" |
38 |
26 |
12 |
6B01515"Chemistry in English" |
13 |
13 |
- |
6В01507 «Chemistry» |
6 |
3 |
3 |
Total |
81 |
63 |
18 |
Information about the employment of these graduates:
Mukhambetkaliyev Aset Askarovich, who studied on a paid basis in the EP 6B07101 "Chemical Technology", did not get a job.
Kurmantaeva Rumiya Elubaevna, who studied on the basis of a grant under the educational program 6b05301 "chemistry", Taumanova Aigerim Sansyzbayevna Nuraly Asem Samalkyzy (paid) did not get a job.
Tolegen Dariya Karakulovna, Makauova Zhanyl Mirzhanovna (paid), who studied on the basis of a grant in the EP 6b01508 "Chemistry-Biology", did not get a job.
Konysbaeva Nazerke Izbasarovna, who studied on the basis of a grant on the EP 6B01515 "chemistry in English", did not get a job.
All graduates of the OP 6b01507" Chemistry " got a job.
Employment indicators of university graduates in chemistry in 2023 are shown in Table 2.
Table 2-employment indicators of graduates who graduated from the University in" Chemistry".
Total |
Employed persons |
Those who entered the magistr degree |
Child care |
The unemployed |
% |
6B07101"Chemical Technology" |
4 |
3 |
1 |
75 |
6B05301"Chemistry" |
20 |
10 |
4 |
3 |
3 |
85 |
6B01508"Chemistry-Biology" |
38 |
30 |
6 |
2 |
2 |
94,7 |
6B01515"Chemistry in English" |
13 |
11 |
- |
1 |
1 |
84,6 |
6В01507 «Chemistry» |
6 |
6 |
100 |
Total |
81 |
60 |
10 |
5 |
7 |
Department of biology and ecology
Information on employment of graduates
In the 2019-2020 academic year, the Department of "Biology and ecology" graduated full – time in the pedagogical specialties "5b011300 Biology" – 120 and non – pedagogical specialties "5b060800 Ecology" - 10, in total-130 graduates.
Pedagogical specialties
Specialty 5b011300 – Biology-b-41 (Kazakh department 20 students), B-43 (Kazakh department 21 students), b-45 (Kazakh department 23 students), B-47 (Kazakh department 19 students), B-49 (Kazakh Department 22 students), B-37/U (accelerated Kazakh Department 4 students), B-42 (Russian department 11 students), a total of 120 full-time students graduated.
53 students were employed, 68 students were not employed. 13 students are enrolled in the master's program. Depending on the child care - 9 students. Of these, 43.3% were employed, 40% were not employed. Master's degree – 9.2%. Depending on the care of the child – 7.5 %.
The employment rate of graduates of the specialty 5b011300-biology according to certifying documents is 61%. On the basis of the state Order, 23 students were trained, 5 of them are employed, 10 are studying in the magistracy, 2 are caring for children, and 6 are unemployed.
Non-pedagogical specialties
Full-time students of groups Eco-41 (Kazakh department 5 students) and eco-42 (Russian department 5 students) in the specialty 5b060800-Ecology, a total of 10 students graduated. Employment – 1 Student, Non – employment-7 students. 2 students studying in the magistracy. Depending on the child care – 0 students. Including employment – 10%, non – employment-70%. -20% studying in the magistracy. Depending on the care of the child - 0 %.
Employment indicators for certifying documents in the specialty 5b060800-Ecology amounted to 30%. On the basis of the state order, 4 students studied, 2 of them-in the magistracy, and 2 are unemployed.
The indicator of employment of graduates is considered an indicator indicator. For pedagogical specialties, there should be no less than 60%. If we look at the 3-year indicators in comparison, there is a positive dynamics in the specialties.
The employment rate of graduates of 3 years in the specialty 5b011300 – Biology ranged from 44-88.4%, and in the specialty 5B060800-Ecology-from 64-80%.