Master of Natural Sciences
Total teaching experience: 13 year
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Scientific works
- Berliguzhin M. T., Yakupova J. B. Kazakhstannyn fanerozoi dauirindegi omyrtkalylardyn kazba kaldyktaryn zertteu tarihy [History of the study of fossils of vertebrates of the Phanerozoic era of Kazakhstan] Vestnik KazNITU [Bulletin of the KazNRTU], №2, 30-35 (2021).(In Kaz).
- Berliguzhin M. T., Oral ozenin (Zhaiyk) tomengi agysy aumagynan ontystik pilinin Archidiskodon meridionalis gromovi jana tisterin tabu turaly [About finding new teeth of the southern elephant Archidiskodon meridionalis gromovi in the territory of the lower reaches of the Ural River (Zhaiyk)] Vestnik KazNITU [Bulletin of the KazNRTU], №4, 3-9 (2021). (In Kaz.)
- Berliguzhin M.T. Nahodki iskopaemyh ostatkov stepnogo bizona (Bison priscus) na territorii Zapadnogo Kazahstana [Finds of fossil remains of steppe bison (Bison priscus) on the territory of Western Kazakhstan] Izvestiya UGGU [News of UGSU] №2, 50-58 (2022). (In Russ.)
- Berliguzhin M.T. Issledovanie ostankov iujnogo slona Archidiskodon meridionalis gromovi v alliuvialnyh otlojeniyah nijnego techenia reki Ural (Zhaiyk) [Investigation of the remains of the southern elephant Archidiskodon meridionalis gromovi in alluvial deposits of the lower reaches of the Ural River (Zhaiyk)] Izvestiya UGGU [News of UGSU] №4 (68), 23-31 (2022). (In Russ.)
- Usiev E.T., Berliguzhin M.T., Tillabek U.Sh. Zhaiyk koshim zhuiesindegi balyktar turlerinin biologiyasy men kazirgi jagdaiy [Biology and current state of fish species in the Ural River system] Ivanov okulary – 2018 [Ivanov readings - 2018], Oral [Uralsk], 2018. P. 64-67. (In Kaz.)
- Берлигужин М.Т. Review of paleontological finds in the quaternary period on the territory of Western Kazakhstan // «7th International scientific and practical conference» "Dynamics of the development of world science". Vancouver, Canada. March 18-20, 2020. p. 35-41
- Berliguzhin M.T., Yakupova J.B. Marine reptiles from the Jurassic deposition of Western Kazakhstan // Kazan Golovkinsky Young Scientists’ Stratigraphic Meeting. Kazan, Russia. October 26-30, 2020.p. 80-81
- Berliguzhin M.T., Yakupova J.B., Ahmedenov K.M. O nahodke zubov iujnogo slona Archidiskodon meridionalis gromovi v Zapadnom Kazahstane [On the discovery of the teeth of the southern elephant Archidiskodon meridionalis gromovi in Western Kazakhstan] Vestnik ZKGU [Bulletin of the WKSU], №3(79), 236-242 (2020). (In Russ.)
- Berliguzhin M. T., Akhmedenov K. M., Titov V.V. Nahodki hazarskoi fauni na territorii nijnego techeniya r.Ural (Zhaiyk) [Finds of Khazar fauna on the territory of the lower reaches of the Ural River (Zhaiyk)] LXVII sessiya paleontologicheskogo obshestva pri RAN [LXVII session of the Paleontological Society at the Russian Academy of Sciences], Sankt-Peterburg [Saint-Petersburg], P. 99-100. (In Russ.)
- Berliguzhin M.T., Yakupova J.B., Ahmedenov K.M. Paleontologicheskie nahodki krupnyh mlekopitaiushih v kainazoe na territorii Zapadnogo Kazahstana [Paleontological finds of large mammals in the Cenozoic in Western Kazakhstan] Treshnikovskaya chteniya [Treshnikov's readings], Ulyanovsk [Ulyanovsk], P. 242-243. (In Russ.)
- Berliguzhin M.T., Yakupova J.B., Ahmedenov K.M. Istoriya izucheniya iskopaemyh pozvonochnyh kainozoiskoi i mezozoiskoi ery zapadnogo Kazahstana [The history of the study of fossil vertebrates of the Cenozoic and Mesozoic eras of Western Kazakhstan] Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferencii «Bioraznoobraziya zhivotnovo mira Kazahstana v proshlye geologicheskie epohi i sovremennosti» [International scientific and practical conference "Biodiversity of the animal world of Kazakhstan in the past geological epochs and modernity"], Almaty [Almaty], P. 138-146. (In Russ.)
- Berliguzhin M. T., Batys Kazahstan aumagynda orta jane jogary pleistocen zhanuarlary kazba kaldyktarynyn tabyluy [Discovery of fossils of animals of the middle and Upper Pleistocene in the territory of Western Kazakhstan] Gylymi-adistemelik jurnal «Sokpak-Tropinka» [Scientific and methodological journal "Sokpak-Tropinka"], №3 (92), 57-59 (2021). (In Kaz.)
- Berliguzhin M.T., Yakupova J.B., Ahmedenov K.M. Paleontologiyalyk kazba materialdaryn ondeu adisteri [Methods of processing paleontological fossils] Vestnik ZKU [Bulletin of the WKU], №2(86), 168-174 (2022). (In Kaz.)
- Berliguzhin M.T., Titov V.V., Baigusheva V.S., Tleuberdina F.A. Ostatki cherepa Elasmotherium sibiricum s territory Kazahstana i nijnego Povoljya [Remains of the skull of Elasmotherium sibiricum from the territory of Kazakhstan and the Lower Volga region] Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferenciya «Zoologicheskie issledovanie v Kazahstane v XXI veke: itogi, problem I perspektivy» [International Scientific Conference "Zoological research in Kazakhstan in the XXI century: results, problems and prospects"], Almaty [Almaty], P. 919-924. (In Russ.)
- Berliguzhin M.T., Yakupova J.B., Akhmedenov K.M. About the discovery of teeth of an extinct species of the elephant family Archidiskodon meridionalis gromovi in Western Kazakhstan // Вестник ЗКУ, № 2(90)/2023. Уральск. С. 143-148
- Berliguzhin M.T., Yakupova J.B. Batys Kazahstan jane ogan irgeles jatkan aimaktarda orta jane kesh pleistocendik shogindilerin zertteu tarihy [History of the study of middle and Late Pleistocene sediments in Western Kazakhstan and adjacent regions] Ivanov okulary – 2023 [Ivanov readings - 2023], Oral [Uralsk], 2023. P. 115-118. (In Kaz.)
Professional development
Advanced training course
1.Actual problems of teaching and content of Biological, geographical and environmental education. Uralsk. WKU M. Utemisov. 20.03.2023
2."Creative Intelligence in education" Astana. Scientific and educational center of innovative educational technologies. 12.12.2023