Educational activities
Department of Biology and Ecology
The department provides teaching of biological, ecological and methodological disciplines, as well as life safety; organizes educational and industrial practices.
The department is a graduating department for educational programs of the bachelor's degree program 6B01509 "Biology" in the field of training "Pedagogical Sciences" and 6B05201 "Ecology" in the field of training in the profile "Environment"; for master's degree programs 7M01509 "Biology" in the field of training "Pedagogical Sciences", 7M05101 "Biology" in the field of training "Biological and Related Sciences" and 7M05201 "Ecology" in the field of training "Environment".
The educational process at the Department of Biology and Ecology is provided by highly qualified teaching staff. The share of full-time faculty with academic degrees and titles is 53.6%. Among the faculty there are 2 professors, doctors of science, 12 candidates of science, 1 doctor of philosophy (PhD).
Members of the department actively supervise the educational and research work of students, the implementation of coursework and final qualifying works.
Among the faculty of the named departments there are winners of the republican competitions "Best University Teacher" - Sergaliev N.Kh. (2007) and holders of the "Bolashak" scholarship - Alzhanova B.S. (2011-2012), Utaubayeva A.U. (2016).
The teachers of the departments constantly carry out advanced training, both at the republican and international levels.