Educational programs in biological, chemical sciences and the environment

EP on Biological, Chemical Sciences and the Environment

Head of educational programs in biological, chemical sciences and the environment -

Sdikova Guliya Zhumgatievna, senior lecturer, Candidate of Chemical Sciences.

Reception hours for personal matters:

 Tuesday 16:00-17:00 (office 23),

 Wednesday 15:00-16:00 (office 23)

 Department address: 090000Uralsk, N.Nazarbayev Avenue 121, academic building No. 5, office 23;

 Phone: 8 (7112) 65-36-45; ext.: 25

mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The innovative development of the Kazakh economy in the XXI century implies the presence of a large number of highly qualified specialists in the field of new biological, geographical and environmental technologies and creatively working teachers.

The EP implements bachelor's and postgraduate education programs. Instruction is provided in the state and Russian languages ​​in full-time education. The term of study on the basis of secondary general education is 4 years (full-time department). Educational programs of the master's degree are implemented in two directions - specialized (1 year, 1.5 years), scientific (2 years).

Currently, the following is being trained:

  • B053-Chemistry:
  • 6B05301 - Chemistry
  • B052-Earth Science:
  • 6B05204 - Geography
  • B051-Environment:
  • 6B05201 - Ecology

According to the OP of the master's degree:

  • 7M05201 - Ecology

