In the period from October 18 to November 16, 2023, Professor of Casimir the Great University of Poland (c.Bydgoszcz),PhD Krystian Obolewski, invited to our university, conducted a monthly course for the teaching staff, for students and undergraduates of the educational programs "Biology", "Biology-Geography", "Chemistry-Biology", "Ecology" and "Geography". During the course, the foreign professor conducted lectures, seminars, practical exercises, field research, and also held consultations for teaching staff on the methodology of organizing, preparing and implementing research projects and preparing publications of research results in foreign publications. The course of lectures of the professor were on the topics "Applied hydrobiology", "Water ecology", practical classes – "Statistical methods in ecology".
October 26 with the participation of Professor K.Obolewski in the “Biology-Geography-31” group, practical work was carried out on the discipline of Genetics on the topic:"Gene coupling. Crossing Over. Genetic map".
The open lesson began with situational questions before showing a short video in English and discussing the materials seen in this video. Students prepared for the practical lesson defended their presentations, solved problems on an interactive whiteboard and studied the subtleties of compiling a genetic map of a chromosome using the example of a drosophila fly. During the classes, the online platforms Learning app, WordWall, and Kahoot were used. The open practical lesson was held at a high scientific and methodological level.