Полевая аптека

Мышечная система

Research competition

Intellectual game “Chemical Quiz”

Book Festival "KitapTime - 2024"

Excursion of Batys su arnasy LLP

Проведены исследования

Scientific internship

Sustainability Living Lab (SLL) – 2024

"Council of Young Scientists"

Social Partner Master Class

"Қазақтың қайсар қыздары"


Мен оқыған бір кітап

«500 ғалым» жобасы

Dual Learning Hands-on

“География Daryn”

«Что? Где? Когда?»

"Chemistry is a wonderland!"

Visiting professor gives lectures to students and undergraduates of WKU

Reception hours for personal matters:

Tuesday 16:00-17:00 (auditory 3),

Thursday 15:00-17:00 (auditory 3)

Address of the deanery: 090000 Uralsk city, Dostik avenue 121, University building №5, auditory 3;

Phone number: 8 (7112) 50-35-49;

E-mail: akan.86@mail.ru

WhatsApp: +7-702-790-37-97